Jumat, 07 Maret 2008

Adsense in Blogger posts (the basics!)

Like many bloggers, I see no harm in including AdSense (and affiliate ads) in my blog, as a way of making a little money to help me pay for my blogging costs. This short series of posts will explain methods you can use to feature AdSense in your Blogger blog, including how to feature ads in the body of your posts.

Google's AdSense seems to be the most popular system of advertising in blogs. This free service for web-publishers is easy to use, especially as ads are contextual (they change depending on the content of a particular page to display relevant ads for your readers). Most bloggers are eligible to sign up for AdSense, which you can do using this link.

Ensure you are aware of Google's policies for AdSense publishers, including sites which are prohibited from featuring AdSense, site and ad behaviour, and the number of ads allowed in a page.

How many ads can be displayed in a single page?

In any single web page, you can have:

  • Up to three ad units
  • Two AdSense for search boxes
  • Up to three link units
  • A maximum of three referral units

These regulations can be especially important for bloggers who choose to include ads in their posts, since the main page of your blog can feature a number of posts, and you cannot feature ad units in all of them. However, there are methods of displaying ads in posts only on post pages, as I will explain in a later installment.

How does Google decide which ads to display?

Keywords from your title and blog posts are used to determine the most relevant ads to display. It's best to try and keep each blog post on one particular subject and include relevant keywords in the title and at least a few times in the article itself. Problogger features some great advice on ensuring relevant ads are displayed on your site.

How do I place ads in my blog?

Blogger now has widgets you can use to include AdSense in your sidebar. You can configure the colour schemes and size of these ads to suit those of your blog.

Alternatively, log in to your AdSense control panel and click on the "AdSense setup" tab at the top of the page. You can then choose the type of ad you wish to use and get the relevant code, which you should then paste into your template where you would like the ad to be displayed.

Next: How to display ads beneath post titles or at the bottom of posts.

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Basic Adsense Tips

by Aditya Bagaskaradish

Once in a week, i will publish my personal article about an advertising program which is Adsense. For those who still don’t know what Adsense is, it is a pay-per-click adevertising program which website publishers can use to menetize their websites.

The first thing you need to know about Adsense is it is not a program where you can earn money esily. Well to said, your website or your blog need lots of traffic to take full advantage of this program. Now, you must be wondering on how to improve your website traffic. From my experience,for the first time my website receive very little hits per day which is about 30-50 hits. Its really bad and to solve the problems, I have use these methods:

1) Add good content

2) Do a SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

3) Improve the site layout

When I added good content to the website, website traffic increases to 100 hits per day. Website visitors is always hungry to find new information in the net. Regardless what is the type of your website/blog is, you must create a truly original content for it. Don’t spend your time searching for free artilces because Adsense really don’t like duplicate contents.

Another tips is let your visitors know what your website/blog offers to its visitors. Create a section for your new website visitors what they can gain by visitng your website/blog. Suggest them to comment on your entry so that they will feel they are belonging to your blog/website.

From their comment and suggestion, you can improve your website/blog more. Now, thats for the section for getting website traffic.

The next factor that you must take care is SEO which means Search Engine Optimization. Search engine that we will focsu is Google. Google receive million search per day. you can imagine a lot of people go to Google everyday to search for infromation. If you’re lucky they will find your website. But it’s not an easy way to do because SEO need lots of hard work and patience. The first thing you need to do when you have a website/blog is by giving its url to Google so that its crawler can search your pages and then include them in Google search engine. For lots more information about SEO, go to our Webmaster Section. i have post lots of good tips for SEO there. Another tips

Another way to make money.

Helllooooooo do I need to tell you about Google’s adsense? I guess so, or you wouldn’t be reading this. OK. I won’t hold your hand. Hit in any search engine, preferably Google, “Adsense” or “Google Adsense” and then follow the easy, fruitful way to net money making. It’s really that easy. [https://www.google.com/adsense/]

Another way to make money. Ask for money. It’s a simple concept really. If you have like, a hundred people looking at your charismatic prose every week, or say, more, then if you guilt them into giving you a dollar for each time they view, that’s, well, at least a hundred dollars. You have to be forward and guilt them. It has worked in the past. It can work for you.

Another way to make money. Sell something. Disclaimer Sell something LEGAL! Well, selling something illegal is moneymaking too, but getting caught is so messy. Why bother. However, maybe you can rot in jail and still blog and make money, but then again, do you really want to spend your six figure income on buying dresses for a guy named “Thor” or buying a banjo so you can have sing-along sessions with your block mates? No. That’s crazy talk. So sell something legal and be ethical.

On your blog, you can sell whatever you want. I know a ton of people, myself inclusive, use [ www.cafepress.com] CafĂ©’Press. Basically, you choose what you want to sell; you design it online in about four seconds, and poof! Like magic you are selling personalized stuff. Everything from coffee cups to thongs. You choose the mark-up and you make the money on whatever you marked up.

Banner advertising is also a great way to make money. You charge others for the banner to be on your site and you do nothing. It’s like web slum lording; how fun is that!

If you want to know if blogging works, check these fantastic case studies


They sell themselves!

Enough about how other people have done this, or the little nuances of blogging. Let’s get to the meat of how you can possibly make a very good living by blogging.

Think of blogging like any small business. Don’t blog if you hate computers or typing. You must have a true Internet interest. You also must blog about something you really enjoy or, yourself – but only the latter if you want to gather (or have enough) friends, family and networking opportunities to get the ball rolling. If you have one sibling and no friends, I would say that a personal blog isn’t for you. Catch my drift?

Anyway, get a free blog. Have the passion in your life explode on that blog. Start piggybacking banners, ads and some sales opportunities within the blog. Ask for money. Ask for donations. Have a membership mailing list that people pay for. Do what ever it takes to generate interest and charge for it.

Blogging isn’t old but isn’t new. A set of rules does not exist to a master plan of making money, and so far, I haven’t become a bazillionaire off of blogging myself; but I do know this. If you are interesting (or think you are) and have enough ovaries (or you know what) to ask for money or to demand ad rates and, if you have networking skills – you just may be a thousand dollar blogger.

Please send us successful blogging stories for fun, entertainment and sharing. We may post your blog info and blog!

Get a blog. Obviously.

You can do this by doing a quick search and you will find that there are free, yes, and free blogs. It’s easy, fast and fun to get one. Just make sure you have a unique name, because everyone else knows that it is free, fast and fun also. More than likely you think that you found a really creative, witty name, only to find that so did about seven hundred million other people from here to mars. Here are a couple I like…not that my opinion means anything, but since this is blog-like writing, it is self-important….enjoy-[www.blogger.com, www.livejournal.com

Another article on how to make a poop-load of money by blogging

The digital pioneer, as he is often called, Clement Mok had it downright right when he said “Five years ago, we though of the Web as a new medium, not a new economy” (of course he didn’t say this very recently).

But ain’t that a ring of truth? Who’d a thunk that the Internet would be a great way that a slacker could sit home, play global games, write a self-important blog about their miniscule life, try to sound witty and to boot, make a few bucks?

But alas, this is the case. We live in a world where blogging makes you seem social and communicative when the reality is that you probably spend more time in isolation than your non-blogging counterparts.

Yes, the buzzword today ladies and gents, is “Blog”. We’ve all heard it and some of us are very familiar with it; even having one or two of our own. If we are really sociopaths and pathetic, we have more. If you haven’t really heard of it, right now you are thinking, “What the hell is she talking about?” (yet, you are still reading because the “poop-load of money” caught ya) … and to add salt to the wounds, I’m writing blog-style. It’s a new, trendy, sarcastic, self-ego stroking way to write. This alone is another reason to blog; it feels good and, I guesstimate that blogging will soon negate the need for therapy.

Are we really isolated, ego-freaks of society if we blog? Or perhaps, we are actually the movers and shakers of the virtual future….hmmm.

But I digress. Let me first; quickly yarn the story of the history of blogging. So sit back, get some popcorn, and enjoy the ride.

Once upon a time, in a far distant land called Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, a young prince-like man by the name of Justin Hall became one of the pioneers of what is now known as blogging. He began an Internet journal and made public his ditties…and all the villagers and townspeople in all the world of Internet enjoyed his web-based journal, and so blogging was born.

The technical, not cool, nor hip actual description of blogging is “Weblog” according to most dictionaries and anal people. Usually the blog (I am hip, so I’ll use “Blog”), can be anything from commentaries to diaries, and can contain links, photos and more. But you and I both know why you are reading this article. You don’t give a rat’s arse about opinions; you want to know how to make a poop-load of money from blogging. Now that the wee history lesson and such is out of the way, we can delve into the goal of making six figures, or well, at least a few dollars while having fun, impressing your friends and wowing the masses with your witty, entertaining blog.

5 Tips To Increase Your Adsense Revenue

The brain trust over at Google has come up with a little wacky, off-the-wall idea about Internet ads. Make them less annoying.

No, that’s it. That’s the whole plan. Seems like someone should have thought of that one a little earlier.

But bloggers can cash in with Google’s AdSense network. Instead of posting blinking lights, cheap animation and a bobbing and bouncing monkey (or the paper football, although I totally rock at that one) Google matches vertical or horizontal blocks of text with the content of the web page. The ads don’t blink or jump around. Instead, they match or relate to the topic at hand, so the reader isn’t seized with the immediate need to get it off the screen right now no matter what it costs.

Traffic goes up, income goes up. Making money on the Internet - it may be the World Wide Web’s Holy Grail. Still, despite the simplicity, there are several steps savvy bloggers can take to give AdSense added oomph.

Here are some other almost obvious tips:

* Don’t make it boring. Boring equals bad. More importantly, boring drives readers away in two clicks. No one wants to read for three days straight why organizing your closet via season, not color, makes sense. Try to keep content fresh and continually updated. The more often people check in to see what else is going on in your world, the more often you hear cha-ching. Wash-rinse-repeat a few times, and you have created a loyal and happy reader.

* Make it easy to read. People cannot read blue text on a black screen! Keeping the layout simple and clean is the easiest way not to screw anything up. A general rule calls for placing an advertisement “above the fold,” or in place on the first portion of the screen before any scrolling is required.

* Think about ad placement. Don’t try to squish a horizontal advertisement into a vertical one. Google provides plenty of ad options from including a link to placing an ad in the middle of some text so no need exists to use the wrong ad. If you don’t know what size to make an idea, going too wide will look the best.

* Listen to your readers. Most of them are not to hesitant to give an honest opinion of a new advertisement type or content or anything else for that matter. If moving all your ads to the bottom of a rambling ode to your dead parakeet causes income to crash, then, well, maybe you shouldn’t do that. Consider making small, gradual changes and watching your traffic numbers.

* Remember why you started blogging. Bloggers blog for fun, for release, for a creative jolt and any other number of reasons. But, usually, not because the idea of sitting at the computer makes them think of a dentists’ drill. If it stops being fun for you, your readers will likely realize it. And who wants to be around that guy? If you find your self in a slump, give yourself permission to take a day or two off. Then, think about why you do this and what you want out of it. Plus, it’s totally an addiction, so after a day or two you will be itching to get back.

Just because it took surfers years to almost literally rising up in arms against pop ad is no reason your blog can’t start earning money now. Follow these tips and let Google’s AdSense do most of the work.

Simple Ways To Make Your Website Load Faster

by Jason Smith

Creating a website that loads quickly is important for you and your business. If you have a website that loads too slowly, potential visitors and even customers will simply give up and click away. Internet users have a variety of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and some still use a dial-up connection, which is frustrating in the first place. The last thing they want to do is visit a website that takes too long to load. Your website could even load slowly for those who are using a DSL or cable connection.

If you find that your website seems to be getting hits on your home page and nothing else, your load time could be the problem.

Giving your website a fast load time is vital to you, your website and your business. There are even studies that show that users will click away from your website if it does not load in ten seconds, and sometimes less than that.

To make your website load faster, you need to know the size and download speed of all of the pages on your website.

Here Are Some More Things You Can Do To Increase Your Load Time -

How are Your Graphics?

Graphics can take too long to load if not used properly. If you can take away some graphics, you will begin to increase your load time. If you take a look at the graphics you have on your web pages, you might realize that you have way too many that are not necessary. Only leave the ones that you absolutely have to.

Big to Small Graphics:

Make your necessary graphics smaller by using your graphics editor, such as Adobe Photoshop. Making them smaller creates a faster load time. Every little change helps.

Check out Your HTML:

You might be surprised to find that there are html codes in your web pages that are not necessary for your website at all. Always try to use CSS when designing your website. This will create a faster loading time. Try using HTML Tidy - an html cleaning tool that can help clean out any unnecessary html coding that is hidden in your web pages.

How Fast is Your Web Host?

Even your web hosting company can play a part in how fast your website loads. If you have completed all of the changes to make your website load faster and you find that it still loads too slowly, it could be your web hosting company. Before going to your web hosting company to find out what the problem is, test your website (all of the pages) on different computers with different Internet connections. If it is still too slow, it could certainly be at the fault of your web host. As your web host could be having a small problem, email them about your concern and give them about a week. If nothing changes in that time period, it may be time to switch web hosts.

Keep your website load times running fast and you will find that more and more people will visit your website and stay longer, which can mean a substantial increase in sales!